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零售ers face a complex and challenging landscape. The dramatic increase of online shopping, 顾客对更方便的购物方式的需求以及送货上门的物流挑战, 路边和店内取货服务对本已有限的vwin娱乐场官方来说是一种压力, outdated processes and lagging technology. 保持灵活,在数字和实体销售之间取得适当的平衡,以满足不断变化的消费者偏好,并调整您的运营模式,以提高效率并实现盈利.  

We offer advice on how to improve cash flow, optimize store performance and increase traffic across channels, 因此,您可以为客户提供超越价格竞争的价值. 你需要一个积极的计划来维持一个强大的品牌,增强零售商店或餐饮体验,并建立跨多个渠道的无缝客户体验——而不损害底线.  

If you’re running a multi-unit operation, you need tighter cost control, 跨地点的透明度和对消费者购买习惯的洞察. 在你的成长轨迹中,与一个能够灵活配合你的顾问合作是至关重要的.  We understand the retail industry’s evolution. We’ll help you harness data across in-store, 在线和移动渠道更好地利用客户的行为和偏好. As a trusted leader in audit, tax and consulting, 我们提供的商业解决方案绝不是现成的. 

零售ers benefit from our specialized experience in:

你的餐厅运营必须像以往一样灵活,以适应不断上升的成本, a difficult labor market and changing consumer preferences. There are obstacles, but also real growth opportunities. 您需要对客户行为的关键洞察力和可视性来调整您的房地产战略和运营模式. 我们的专业人员有合适的经验来帮助您取得成功. 

Where there are challenges,
we see opportunities for growth

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